Branches 60°

Pressure-resistant branches with equal and reduced outlets

Reinert-Ritz branches for welding are charac­terized by their full pressure resistance.
Outlets at 60° allow a high degree of flexi­bility when integrating them into a piping system.
This is further enhanced by directly available reducers on the outlet, which also makes the fitting compact and lightweight.
Branches at other angles are available on request.

Technical data

Complete data sheet

Tender text

PE100 branch Generalprelim­inary remark The fittings to be offered must be made of material in accor­dance with the PE100+ Associ­ation and comply with DIN EN 12201 with regard to dimen­sions, toler­ances and quality require­ments. Proof of production on the basis of a quality assurance system in accor­dance with DIN EN ISO 9001 must be provided. A certificate in accor­dance with DIN EN 10204 must be provided by the manufac­turer for all molded parts. Depending on the dimen­sions, the molded part must either be injection molded or manufac­tured from several compo­nents of homoge­neously extruded semi-finished product using a turning or milling process and the wall thick­nesses in the area of the welds of the compo­nents of the base body must be reinforced accord­ingly in order to ensure the required reinforcement and thus high stability of the molded part. Semi-finished products made from winding rod or other subse­quently applied reinforce­ments are not permitted. The branch must be made of PE100. The pipe connec­tions must be designed as spigot ends in a suffi­ciently long form for HE butt welding or HW welding corre­sponding to the nominal width of the pipe. The inner beads of the HE butt weld joint must be removed. The outlet can be reduced and optionally designed to be flush with the floor

  • Weiter­lesen

    DIN EN 12201, DVS 2207, DVS 2210, DIN EN 10204, DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 50001


    Abnah­meprüfzeugnis 3.1 nach DIN EN ISO 10204 am Halbzeug vom verar­beiteten Rohstoff mit Angabe von MFR und OIT; nur PE100 Material gem. PE100+ Association

    Hersteller zerti­fiziert nach ISO 9001:2015 und ISO 50001:2011

    Reinert-Ritz GmbH oder gleichwertig

    PE100 Abzweig …°, für … [Medium]-Leitung, druck­klas­sen­gerecht, mit langen Schweißenden für Einbau in eine Leitung der Dimension DN/OD … SDR … Nenndruck­stufe PN …

    Reinert-Ritz GmbH
    Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 2
    48531 Nordhorn
    Tel.: +49 5921 8347–0
    Fax: +49 5921 8347–25


Storage of molded parts

Bearing of molded parts with elastomer

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