Cleaning wastewater pressure pipes with the Quick-Pig pig launcher
Check, flush, vacuum and pig safely from the top edge of the site
Clean wastewater pressure pipes safely and efficiently, as deposits and blockages impede the flow of wastewater. For this reason, wastewater pipes should be cleaned regularly.
Pigging is particularly effective for this with Quick Pig.
The Quick-Pig Station is a cleaning and inspection opening for pressure pipes that can be safely operated from the top of the ground.
With the Quick-Pig Station, you save yourself the need for a walk-in manhole and can maintain your pressure pipeline easily and safely.
Whether testing, flushing, suctioning or pigging, everything is done in no time at all. The station is installed in the penstock via the pipeline construction, also as a subsequent minimally invasive upgrade of a penstock.
With the Quick-Pig Station, your employees can safely test, flush, vacuum and pig a pressure pipe from the top of the ground.
This significantly reduces the risk of injury and the time required for pigging.
Quick-Pig supports you in implementing the requirements of the self-inspection ordinance in a cost-effective manner and at the same time reduces the life cycle costs (manhole rehabilitation) of the pipeline system.
Each Quick-Pig station is individually adapted to your needs so that you can efficiently clean your wastewater pressure pipe in accordance with your pipe system.
We will be happy to advise you, contact our Quick-Pig sales team directly! Have we piqued your interest?
Here you will find further interesting details and experience reports on Quick-Pig:
Technical data
Complete data sheet
Tender text
PE100 pig trap Quick-PigGeneralpreliminary remarks The molded parts to be offered must be made of material in accordance with the PE100+ Association and comply with DIN EN 12201 with regard to dimensions, tolerances and quality requirements. Proof of production on the basis of a quality assurance system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 must be provided. A certificate in accordance with DIN EN 10204 must be provided by the manufacturer for all molded parts. The body of the molded part must be made from a single piece of homogeneous semi-finished product in order to ensure the required reinforcement and thus high stability of the molded part. Semi-finished products made from winding rod or other subsequently applied reinforcements are not permitted. The pig launching station must be made of PE100.
It must be designed in accordance with the pressure class and consist of the housing with a form-fit pigging chamber (transmitter) of the same nominal diameter and the bayonet catch with O‑ring seal and stainless steel operating rods as well as a dome designed for the installation depth, which closes pressure-tight at the top with a dummy cover.
All materials used within the fitting must be made of corrosion-free material. The seal must be made of media-resistant material. The pipe connections must be designed as spigot ends in a sufficiently long form for HE butt welding or HW welding corresponding to the nominal width of the pipe to be pigged. The inner beads of the HE butt weld joint must be removed. Due to its design, the pig launcher can be installed underground in the pipeline without a manhole structure and can be operated from the top of the ground.
Standard manhole covers corresponding to the expected traffic load must still be taken into account as a separate item.
Optional/Zusätzlich erhältlich sind Bajonett-Verschlüsse mit Molchempfänger-Funktion. Beide Versionen des Bajonett-Verschlusses (Sender und Empfänger) müssen untereinander austauschbar sein und können optional auch mit Storz-Kupplung als Spülanschluss ausgeführt werden.Die Rohranschlüsse können optional mit zugfesten Steckkupplungen REINOGRIP und/oder Flanschanschlüssen entsprechend der einzusetzenden Absperr-Armatur versehen werden. Die verwendeten Flansche müssen aus korrosionsfreiem, faserverstärktem Kunststoff hergestellt sein. Bund und Flansch müssen an ihren Verbindungsflächen formschlüssig ineinander greifen, der Flansch den Bund zusätzlich von außen noch stützen, um einer Verformung entgegenzuwirken. Dies bewirkt eine volle Druckbelastbarkeit der Flanschverbindung entsprechend der Rohrdimensionierung.
DIN EN 12201, DIN EN 1092–1, DIN 4124, DIN EN 1671, DWA‑A 116–2, DVS 2207, DVS 2210, DIN EN 10204, DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 50001Zulassungen/Zertifikate
Abnahmeprüfzeugnis 3.1 nach DIN EN ISO 10204 am Halbzeug vom verarbeiteten Rohstoff mit Angabe von MFR und OIT; nur PE100 Material gem. PE100+ Association
Hersteller zertifiziert nach ISO 9001:2015 und ISO 50001:2011
Reinert-Ritz GmbH oder gleichwertigLeistungsbeschreibung:
PE100 Molchschleuse QuickPig (Sender) für … [Medium]-Leitung, druckklassengerecht, für schachtfreien, erdverlegten Einbau in eine Leitung aus … [PE/PVC/…] der Dimension DN/OD … x … mm SDR …
- mit Spülanschluss □ 2“
- 4“ (ab d 200 mm)
Inklusive Zubehör:
- Bajonett-Verschluss als Molchempfänger
- Bajonett-Verschluss als Molchempfänger mit Spülanschluss □ 2“
- 4“ (ab d 200 mm)
- Press-Hebel
- PE100 Rohrstutzen d … SDR …, Länge … mm
- Flansch DN … d … SDR … PN …
- zugfeste Steckkupplung d …
- PE100 Rohrstutzen d … SDR …, Länge … mm
- Flansch DN … d … SDR … PN …
- zugfeste Steckkupplung d …
[Gesamtlänge: … mm]
Rohrdeckung: … mm
Betriebsdruck: … bar
Reinert-Ritz GmbH
Ernst-Heinkel-Straße 2
48531 Nordhorn
Tel.: +49 5921 8347–0
Fax: +49 5921 8347–25
Quick-Pig references
Quick-Pig data sheet
Operating instructions
Quick-Pig brochure
RR product catalog
Molded parts in practice