PE 100 flanged y‑piece

Pressure class conform at second glance

Project details


For the shown pipe installation d 315 mm SDR 17, a flanged Y-piece made of PE 100 was required, suitable for pressure class PN 10. A Y-piece made from segments of the pipe d 315 SDR 17 was out of question, as the weld reduction factor for this arrangement of the weld only permitted use below the operating pressure. In order to still obtain the required shaped fitting in the dimensions and with the required compressive strength, Reinert-Ritz chose the path of higher quality welding: In the area of the later welding zone, the segments were produced with a greater wall thickness, here e.g. in accordance with SDR 11. For production reasons, it was decided to reinforce the segments inwards. Thus, the pressure class compliance only appears at second glance.



The HP flanges underline the pressure class conformity of the entire component: plastic-compatible flange connections made of PE 100 as transition to the valves and other flanges.


Size d
PE 100

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